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Frequently Asked Questions                                                                

Why did you build this thing?

Because my laboratory could not afford the commercial equivalent, and because looking for crystals in hundreds of wells is a drag - particularly in the coldroom!

How much did it cost?

The device shown on the home page cost about $500.  This includes the translation stage, camera, microscope optics, microscope stand, keyboard, mouse, monitor, and the control computer.

How much time does it take to build one?

Once you have gathered/printed all the parts, about a day.  However, some of the 3D printed parts take hours to print.

What tools do I need?

Screwdrivers, allen keys, a soldering iron (for the limit switches), and a drill press and table saw (for the X-base and Y-base pieces and the adjustable sample holder).

How much skill is required?

Not too much, but you need to do a careful job.  Small misalignments due to imprecise assembly will be handled by the software, but you need to ensure that all of the parts move smoothly.

Do you sell assembled machines and/or specialized parts needed to build one?

I’m not looking to give up my day job, but, if there’s sufficient interest to justify hiring help, I will consider selling parts and possibly assembled devices. In other words, let me know if you’re interested.

Do you foresee improvements to the system?

Yes, see future plans.

I’d like to help. How can I contribute to this project?

If you build one, share your experience. If you make software or hardware improvements, share those as well. Also, I’d be more than happy for help managing this site. 

You can reach me at